This might be embarrassing, but it's not my room and I forgot to take a before pic of the closet. Just imagine this mess inside...

of that sad thing. Justin took the kids away for 24 hours and I knew it was my golden opportunity to get this room situated. And then I realized.... Justin's GONE! Who's gonna man that table saw?! I hate the table saw. If you hold the wood wrong that mean ol' saw will kick it right back at you. Talk about scary. I still used it a little but the whole time I was cutting I had to scream at myself (inside my head of course, don't want to freak out the neighbors) "you can totally do this. You're doin' it. It's almost done. There! Good job! No get away from that thing before it eats you!" How pathetic is that? But anyway here's what else I did.

I bought this shelfy thing. Would have preferred white, but this color was $20 cheaper. You don't have to tell me twice. Plus I decided the girls will most likely end up drawing on whatever I get. This might camouflage crayon and marker a little better.
Then I screwed in some boards. When I was installing the little board it just wasn't firm. It was hanging off the wall on that side. So when all my other attempts to screw it in the drywall failed I grabbed the liquid nails and shoved as much in the crack as I could. Rebecca, didn't you say it's all about caulk and paint, right? I went with that idea and you can't even tell it looked like this! Okay well you can in this pic.

But not here! Well it's not as amazing as
my closet, but my little (giant) pony on top is pretty darn cute. I thought I was doin' this for pretty cheap... then I bought those baskets. No coupon. No sale, but they needed to come home with me.