Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Air Force

Uncle Jordan is in the Air Force.  The kids were excited to go to work and see the "airport".   That is, the airport with planes that don't fly any more.

There were old yet sleek planes.

Some of the planes were just BIG. 

Justin read all the plaques out loud.  
Toward the end of our "tour" Grayson joined in.  He reads brail.

The girls just ran around on the grass.

Then there were some trains.  I guess in the 50's (I might get all the facts to this story wrong) jet fuel was way expensive.  Air Force right... they do that refuel in the air thing.  To practice this technic minus the price of jet fuel, they used trains.  Check out the sign on the trains though.

After the base we went to downtown Spokane.  Check out this slide.

Can I get one of these in my backyard?

What's a park without ducks?

A waste of money little gondola ride.

Carousal ride.

And some large blocks.  


rebecca @ older and wisor said...

HEY! That's the same sign I've got in my bedroom.

Jarom said...

LOL! Liz, your sister is just as funny as you!

Loved the pictures; it looks like you had a great day!

BTW, I went private. If you want to follow let me know at

kelly said...

Ha ha! I want that slide too.

Underwood's in Cali said...

Hey! When did Jordan go into the air force??? love the sign