Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We've been robbed!

Some criminal has taken our money! Justin and I have not lost our debit cards, but Justin's has been duplicated. Pin number and all. Our bank stopped them from taking ALL our money when Chase decided Justin couldn't physically buy gas here AND take out a large some of money 60 miles away, within 10 minutes. Thanks Chase. But what gives?! How can they use Justin's debit card with pin? When I asked the lady on the phone how I could prevent something like this from happening again she replied, "you can't". Surely I will sleep better tonight with such words of comfort.


Jordan and Heidi said...

That totally happened to Jordan's debit card. They are able to replicate it, usually happens when you swipe it at the gas station. It was red flagged when the crooks spent $200 at a 7-11 in LA. I'm just grateful we weren't responsible for the amounts. Sorry :(. It's just a pain because now he has to wait for a new one.

Angie said...

That sucks...Sorry, I know that is such a pain to deal with!

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

WHAAAAT? Way to go Chase! I know they credit your account back, but what are you supposed to do in the meantime??

I knew if people got your number they could make charges - did NOT know about being able to use your pin number!

April Cavanaugh said...

I'm sorry that has happened! I've been the victim of identity theft before, so I can relate completely. If you haven't already done so, put an a fraud alert with all the credit card companies and request a copy of your credit report. Check it out thoroughly. Hang in there!

kelly said...

That stinks! I'm so sorry!!!

M & M said...

whoa! that totally stinks!! so sorry liz