Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Boot

Grayson gave his sisters the boot! He's tired of all the eye poking and ear pulling. He kicked them to the curb and hasn't looked back once.

He did have to talk me into dropping them off. On the way he and the girls watched our pop down screen tv... plus a little tape and an ipod.

"Bunny ears".

Here they were left. These people had no idea what they were getting into!


rebecca @ older and wisor said...

Mom was SOO excited to have them -they're gonna have a blast. You're going to seem so boring when they get back...

Millers! said...

That is the white trashiest thing I have ever seen, BUT what are you going to do with one child for so long... WOW, I couldnt even imagine!

3girlsmom said...

that is toooooooo funny! what to do with yourself with only one child???????