Saturday, April 19, 2008

I know someone crafty!

I am so amazed by all the fancy things my friend Summer can do! Years ago she started creating vinyl letters, which are HUGE now, and she started a blog which is where I got the idea to blog. And now... she has a web store called "A Tres Chic Boutique". I just got an email from her saying it was open and asking to put it on my blog so she could get a little more traffic... so I did AND I bought something already because she has necklaces on there that I've been wanting, but never go to the store for. Fantastic prices! I encourgae everyone to give her site a look and tell me what you think. Click on the picture to the right!


Anonymous said...

Hey you have a blog! Me too! Tag your it!

Anonymous said...

Oh Liz, you are sooooo sweet! How nice, thank yoU!!! You're the best :)