Kennedy LOVES to "help" make things. Sometimes I love her helping, other times I'm tired and grouchy, and I don't want any more little people in my way...imagine that. So I got this fantastic recipe from my sister Rebecca for sugar cookies. I decided that would be a fun thing for Kennedy and I to make and MacKenzie could help if she wanted. All the mixing and rolling was a mess, but so much fun! No cookie cutters (FYI- first time I've ever made cookies needing cutters) so we improvised with the lid to the Pam spray bottle and a knife:) These cookies were SO good I think I single handedly ate them all minus a few for the girls. Thanks Rebecca!
My brother, as I mentioned in a previous post, has 4 older sisters. We would dress him up with make-up, wig and high heels... he LOVED it! NO, he's not gay! I remember one of the boyfriends pulling my mom aside warning her NOT to let us "confuse" my brother. I think little boys can play in makeup and little girls can get filthy dirty and play with cars. Either way poor little Grayson may not have a choice growing up! Kennedy was all about putting this necklace on him:) Can't blame her, it's in her genes to play dress up with her brother.