Saturday, October 09, 2010

What surprises does your husband pick up on his way home from work?

Justin usually brings home snakes or lizards. Last night it was a fox that had been hit by a car because you know, "We could skin him!"

The first thing Kennedy said when she heard the news was, "YES! I totally need a fox skin to hang on my wall! That's perfect Dad!"

And then it stunk. Really. Bad.

The skinning lasted about 10 minutes until Justin decided it was a little too decomposed. The tail and legs were falling off. Kennedy's comment, "Well, I thought Dad could get that skin off, but I guess it just stinks too bad for him to do a good job. Maybe next time." Cause you know, there's always tomorrow. You never know what might be on the side of the freeway tomorrow;)


Williams Family Dirt said...


Unknown said...

okay, that's really gross. My girls would have cried there eyes out if dad brought that home.

kelly said...

Wow, that is really nasty. Yesterday as I was driving home from a funeral, I swear I saw a human head on the freeway. After I passed whatever it was I talked myself out of it. It must have been my post funeral morbidity or a halloween prank.

Jarom said...

And I was expecting to see that your husband brought home something like flowers or candy. Yeah, I guess I was wrong!

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

I still say mailbox was the way to go.

Silva Family said...

I guess I should feel blessed Mario works less than a mile away from our house, and within city limits. That's so horrible, I almost lost my breakfast with that pic!

Unknown said...

ummmm sick dude sick. My husband is a hunter so Im used to shots like that but fresh meat is soooo very different!! My kids would have been horrified and I would have probably left my husband is he did something like that hahaha siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

Angie said...

You really should have a bigger WARNING at the top of the page that there is a DISGUISTING picture about to show up...Tell Justin that is so nasty and road kill should stay on the road!!!!