Apparently today I am the mother who gets her kids whatever (one thing) they want in the toy/makeup isle. What's with that? It must have something to do with being gone for a week. Good thing I don't work!
Grayson did want "the HUGE Buzz Lightyear!!!" But really $129? (Rebecca if you see the really huge Buzz on 90% off just buy it and I'll pay you back.)

Okay and I made this apron for Nedra's future daughter-in-law's bridal shower tomorrow. If I'm super ambitious I'll get over to Harbor Freight and get my favorite $3 hammer and spray paint it for the bride also. But who am I kidding, Harbor Freight is a 15 minute drive in 45 minute traffic. We'll see.
Khristie- no pockets in this one either and I've decided I officially HATE the patterns I bought. There were 3 different aprons in the same pattern and they are all RETARDED when it comes to sewing the waist ties on! But it's not so bad to look at though yeah? Just don't turn it around to inspect.