This is my mom and Manuel. Can you believe they drove 4 hours, one way, to help me watch after my kids and house this weekend?! 9 loads of laundry, 3 tornado stricken bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 T-ball game, the kitchen (dishes AND floor) and the best part... they went to Costco, Target and Win Co with Grayson to restock my shelves! I can't thank you both enough!!!

I found this mopping pic on my camera. I know it happened while I was sleeping and it was one of the first things I noticed when I got up! And a side note. My friend's husband saw Mom and Manuel at the T-ball game. He later asked me if I spoke Spanish. I replied, "I thought you knew I was Mexican."
Okay I'm not, but my mom's name is Carla and she's married to a Mexican. If that doesn't influence my ethnicity then I don't know what to tell ya;)

Anyway that makes me so happy. It began with my friend Angie watching my kids while I sat in the car during T-ball practice. Then Justin's parents traveled through to Utah and did a quick load of dishes and made me and the kids an early lunch. Thank you! And yesterday our friends the Garcia's picked up MacKenzie for church just before 11:00am. They didn't bring her back until after 8pm!!! Thank you Garcia's. I know no one else cares, but it makes me feel special and loved.
And totally unrelated... I found this pic of the girls. The girls' facial expressions say it all. Kennedy is temporarily unavailable and MacKenzie is up to no good;)