I can't stop talking about the positive influence
Dressing Your Truth is having on me and my family. It all started when I told my friend Sarah how AWESOME she looked! She immediately told me, "Oh it's this program I've been doing." Of course I wanted to learn more, right? Who doesn't want to look and feel awesome every day of their life?! I started reading the Dressing Your Truth book... couldn't put it down!

I think that's why I haven't been blogging as much. However, I've been obsessed with thrift store shopping and reading more about my own natural tendencies, the way God created me. I've come to understand my bumpy acne skin... part of my nature as a rich/dynamic woman. And why do I always say things out loud and then want to pick up and words and shove them back in my mouth? Oh, because I'm active and reactive. I was born that way! (and I have a bright animated mother as a role model) Does that mean I can say whatever I want when I want, not really, but I can embrace it and love myself for being true to my nature.
Anyway I just love the creator of this program, Carol, and can't wait to meet her someday. She's changed my life forever and I'm grateful!