Saturday, September 11, 2010

Spray painting those ugly (but useful) security screen doors!

Half way through painting these I wanted to yank them off! (who am I kidding I wanted to yank them off the minute we moved in, but it's so nice to leave the front door open all night long and let the cool breeze come through). But here's the thing... they don't come off!!! I killed myself getting one already loose screw off only to find the rest were entirely NOT loose. The one-way screws are sloped and ridiculous. I even got a fancy drill bit from Home Depot claiming to get them off. Didn't work.

I finished painting them. Notice the one screw missing- only to tease me. Now I can't get it back in. Also if you look closely the porch lamp is at a severe slant. Might have broken the blue box thing that holds it in the stucco. Opps. (You can fix that right, Justin?) And then I need a new handle and deadbolt. Whatever. I always do these jobs half way.


rebecca @ older and wisor said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. Do you think the new renters will like it too??

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

and where's the wedding video already?